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Sorry! ECHA has not published any information for this chemical as of January 1, 2020.

Glycerols (unspecified)

Primary Chemical Name :

Primary Chemical Name is the standard name assigned to a chemical substance.

Glycerols (unspecified)
CAS Registry Number: 000000-51-3
EC Number:

Synonyms are alternative names that represent the same chemical substance.


The EC Number, formerly known as the EINECS number is a unique 7-digit number (format: xxx-xxx-x) assigned to chemicals registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).


Sources for Information on Chemicals

List of 57 Brands that contain this chemical

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Method Fabric Softener, Ginger Mango-07/20/2015

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Method Foaming Bathroom Cleaner, Eucalyptus Mint, Pump Spray-07/23/2015

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Dawn Direct Foam Dishwashing Foam, Fresh Rapids-01/04/2011-Old Product pump dispenser --
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Epson Ink Cartridge T005011Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T007201 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T008201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T009201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T010201 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T013201 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T014201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T015201 Black-Old Product liquid about 10
Epson Ink Cartridge T016201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T017201 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T018201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T019201 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T020201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid About 10
Epson Ink Cartridge T026201 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T027201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T028201 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T029201 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T032120 Black-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T032220 Cyan-Old Product liquid About 15
Epson Ink Cartridge T032320 Magenta-Old Product liquid 15-20
Epson Ink Cartridge T032420 Yellow-Old Product liquid About 15
Epson Ink Cartridge T033120 Black-Old Product liquid About 9
Epson Ink Cartridge T033220 Cyan-Old Product liquid About 10
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Epson Ink Cartridge T033620 Magenta-Old Product liquid About 15
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Epson Ink Cartridge T034320 Magenta-Old Product liquid About 17
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Epson Ink Cartridge T036120 Black-Old Product liquid About 10
Epson Ink Cartridge T037020 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid About 11
Epson Ink Cartridge T040120 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T041020 Yellow, Magenta, Cyan-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T042220 Cyan-Old Product liquid About 17
Epson Ink Cartridge T042320 Magenta-Old Product liquid About 14
Epson Ink Cartridge T042420 Yellow-Old Product liquid About 15
Epson Ink Cartridge T043120 Black-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T044120 Black-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
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Epson Ink Cartridge T044320 Magenta-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T044420 Yellow-Old Product liquid 10.0-15.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T048120 Black-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T048220 Cyan-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T048320 Magenta-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T048420 Yellow-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T048520 Cyan-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0
Epson Ink Cartridge T048620 Magenta-Old Product liquid 5.0-10.0