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Sorry! ECHA has not published any information for this chemical as of January 1, 2020.

Quality control agent(s)

Primary Chemical Name :

Primary Chemical Name is the standard name assigned to a chemical substance.

Quality control agent(s)
CAS Registry Number: 999999-49-8
EC Number:

Synonyms are alternative names that represent the same chemical substance.


The EC Number, formerly known as the EINECS number is a unique 7-digit number (format: xxx-xxx-x) assigned to chemicals registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).


Sources for Information on Chemicals

List of 44 Brands that contain this chemical

Product Category
Inside the Home
Hytron with Clean Scents, Dishwashing Liquid,  Surf Breeze, 1067507-11/06/2017
liquid --
Mr Clean Finished Floor Cleaner-Old Product liquid --
Mr Clean Kitchen and Bathroom Wipe Ups-Old Product wipes --
Mr Clean Liquid Cleaner-Old Product liquid --
Mr Clean Top Job All Purpose Cleaner-Old Product liquid --
Mr Clean Top Job with Ammonia-Old Product liquid --
Mr Clean Ultimate Orange-Old Product liquid --
Mr Clean Ultimate Orange-11/08/2005-Old Product liquid --

Mr Clean Ultra All Purpose Cleaner-Old Product

liquid --
Presiva Clothes Care Formula-03/01/2002-Old Product liquid --
Valley View Quik Suds Dishwashing Liquid, 1006554, Professional Use-11/06/2017
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Ajax Cleanser with Bleach-06/06/2007-Old Product powder --
Comet Bathroom Heavy Duty Cleaner-Old Product pump spray --
Comet Cleanser with Chlorinol-Old Product powder --
Comet Disinfectant Cleanser with Chlorinol-Old Product powder --
Comet Disinfectant Powder Cleanser-Old Product powder --
Comet Limescale Remover-Old Product liquid --
Comet Liquid Bathroom Spray Cleaner-Old Product liquid --
Comet Liquid Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner-Old Product liquid --
Comet Liquid Toilet Bowl Cleaner-Old Product viscous liquid --
Comet Multi Room Disinfectant Cleanser with Bleach, Lemon Fresh-Old Product powder --
Downy Ultra Liquid Fabric Softener-Old Product liquid --
Downy Ultra-Old Product liquid --
Downy Wrinkle Releaser-Old Product pump spray --
Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz Blossoms and Breeze-09/13/2006-Old Product liquid --
Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz Blossoms and Breeze-Old Product liquid --
Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz Citrus and Light-09/13/2006-Old Product liquid --
Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz Citrus and Light-Old Product liquid --
Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz Spring and Renewal-09/13/2006-Old Product liquid --
Febreze Air Effects 9.7 oz Spring and Renewal-Old Product-Old Product liquid --
8251_16003821 Image Febreze Air Effects Citrus Light.jpg
Febreze Air Effects Air Aerosol Air Refresher, Citrus and Light-01/01/2008-Old Product aerosol --
8252_16003822 Image Febreze Air Effects Spring Renewal.jpg
Febreze Air Effects Air Aerosol Air Refresher, Spring and Renewal-01/01/2008-Old Product aerosol --
11176_16030355 Image Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher, Apple Spice & Delight.jpg

Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher, Apple Spice & Delight-Old Product

aerosol --
11160_16030339 Image Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher, Linen and Sky.jpg
Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher, Linen and Sky-Old Product aerosol --
11162_16030341 Image Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher, Petal & Pure.jpg
Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher, Petal & Pure-Old Product aerosol --
11161_16030340 Image Febreze Air Refresher, New Zealand Springs.jpg
Febreze Air Refresher, New Zealand Springs-Old Product aerosol --
FIT Powder Fruit and Vegetable Rinse-Old Product powder --
Gain Ultra-Old Product liquid --
Grease Relief Liquid Degreaser-Old Product liquid >5

Mr Clean Top Job All Purpose Cleaner-08/01/2001-Old Product

liquid --
Presiva Clothes Care Formula-Old Product liquid --
Spic & Span All Purpose Cleaner (Phosphate)-Old Product powder --
Ultra Downy Liquid Fabric Softener-Old Product liquid --
Personal Care
Valley View Emerald Dishwashing Liquid, 1006578-11/06/2017
liquid --