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In case of poisoning, immediately contact your 24-Hour Poison Control Hotline at : 1-800-222-1222 in U.S.A.

First Aid Information For: Secret Platinum Protection Antiperspirant/Deod., Soft Solid, Powder Fresh-06/01/2007-Old Product

• Eye: Thorough rinsing for 15-20 minutes of the affected eye with water is recommended. If discomfort or irritation persists, contact a physician.
• Skin Problem: Thoroughly rinse with water. Discontinue use of product. Apply cold compresses to affected areas to relieve any discomfort. If discomfort persists, contact a physician.
• Inhalation: If respiratory irritation occurs, remove individual to fresh air.
• Ingestion: Accidental ingestion of product may necessitate medical attention. In case of accidental ingestion dilute with fluids (water or milk) and treat symptomatically. Do not induce vomiting.
Note: After first aid treatment, the caller should be advised that 1) a hospital emergency room or family physician should be consulted if anything unusual occurs or appears necessary in the judgment of the caller, and 2) that the subsequent management of the accident should be dictated by any persistent symptoms and under the direction of the physician.